Thank you for the interest in submitting your event!
Please complete the below Calendar of Events Form to be considered for inclusion in website event listings and other Mt. Hood Territory outlets.
There is no charge to be included in the Clackamas County Tourism event listings. To be considered for the calendar, events must meet the following criteria:
- Likely to draw out-of-area attendees
- Be visitor facing and open to everyone
- Take place within the boundaries of Clackamas County
- Hosted by business or organization in a public or visitor-ready location
Event listings can be accepted anytime throughout the year, although it is recommended to submit at least one week prior to your event.
Please allow up to four days for your event to appear on the calendar.
Updates and changes to already submitted event listings should be sent directly to
If you are uploading several events, you can download our batch event submission spreadsheet and
email the completed sheet to: