OR Route 224 temporarily closed at Pipeline/Three Lynx Road
Fearless Brewing distributes its Scottish Ale in tall black cans lined up face forward.
11/18/2021 | Podcast

The Story Behind Fearless Brewing Company

Owner of Estacadas Fearless Brewing, Ken, hoists a glass of his favorite Fearless Ale.

For episode 14 of our podcast, Territory Tales, we interviewed Ken Johnson, owner of Fearless Brewing Company, located in Estacada. Ken is just FUN! And fearless (foreshadowing!) according to his Papi who gave him that nickname as a child. Born in Nebraska, he was raised in a farming community until moving to the Pacific Northwest in the 1980s with only a few hundred dollars in his pocket. He jokes that he couldn't keep a job for more than a year; his longest stint was as an engine technician before his wife helped nudge him into getting a hobby...like brewing beer that he loved so dearly but hated the cost of. 

After winning several competitions with his delicious concoctions, he made the leap to opening a brick and mortar location in the town of Estacada. Ken swears by the "magical water" of the Clackamas River (just across the highway from his tasting room), which he uses to brew his beers. We completely agree and think he offers the perfect combination of delightful beers and glowing personality to win over anyone who stops in for a taste. 

With 10 taps and great eats, Fearless Brewing is a great place to visit after recreating on and around the aforementioned Wild and Scenic Clackamas River!

You can watch the video below or listen to the podcast under the video. Be sure to subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes, Google Play or Spotify

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