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02/01/2022 | Places to Stay, Podcast

The Story Behind - Timberline Lodge & Ski Area

For this episode of our podcast, Territory Tales which uncovers the stories behind Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory and its iconic attractions, we talked with Jeff Kohnstamm, area operator for Timberline Lodge & Ski Area.

Jeff's father, Richard Kohnstamm, truly saved Timberline Lodge which had fallen into disrepair since its original glory days as a WPA project during the Great Depression. He invested his own money and a lot of hard work to bring it back to life while raising his family there. 

Eventually Jeff took over from his father as area operator and continued to honor the rich history while also looking ahead. 

In this episode, Jeff shed light on the work his father did, his childhood at Timberline Lodge, how it became the elite ski destination it is today as well as plans for the future.  

Thanks for listening! 

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